Lost and Found Female DisruptorsLost and Found Female Disruptors

Lost and Found Female Disruptors

"I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass." -Maya Angelou

And that is what Suzanne Somers, Britney Spears, Kearra Johnson, and Joline Rivera DID! These Female Disruptors are using their intuitive and iconic superpowers and inspiring audiences all over the world. Discover new ageless health tips, justice being served, empowering art, healthy hemp recipes, and more from your September Female Disruptors!

We continue to spotlight inspiring women blazing trails in their field for equality, freedom and acceptance; if you want to be a part of the movement, feel free to nominate yourself or a friend here!

Suzanne Somers AKA Godmother of Women’s Health

Suzanne Somers

Suzanne Somers on Embracing Ageless Vibrancy: Forever Health, 27 books & Weekly Instagram Lives. Known for her multifaceted career as an Author, American Actress, and Health Spokesperson, Suzanne Somers, 74, welcomes you seamlessly into the world of women's health and hormones, sharing how to make every decade enjoyable. She is the voice of alternative medicine, here to remind us all that aging is, in fact, a vibrant, juicy, and sexy gift to embrace.

Britney Spears Unlocks Father’s Handcuffs

Britney Spears

#FreeBritney: The Ultimate Female Disruptor Movement. For 13 years, Britney Spears, has not been in control of her own life or fortune. In 2008, a conservatorship was enacted by the Los Angeles Superior Court, granting her estate, all financial assets,and various personal ones to her father, Jamie Spears.

Art Meets Black Culture with Kearra Johnson

Kearra Johnson

Kearra Johnson: Art Empowers Black Culture. Kearra Johnson has achieved every aspiring entrepreneur’s dream: turning a passion project into a successful business, including black culture. Through products and content, she lets passion power dreams, using art to provide a voice for the voiceless.

Joline Rivera Unleashes Culinary Cannabis Goodness

Joline Rivera

What Women Need to Know About Cannabis in Food, Health, and Wellness. When Joline Rivera walked out of her doctor’s appointment with a grocery list rather than prescribed pills, she started to view food as medicine for the very first time. This life-changing moment led her into the food industry, where she continued to learn more about the relationship between food and treatment.

Book of the Month! How to Thrive Using Authenticity, Self-Alignment, and Simple neuropsychology

The Intelligence of Happiness by Gi Gi O'Brien

The Intelligence of Happiness by Gi Gi O’Brien. The goal of life is joy, and you are the only factor that determines your measure of happiness. Gi Gi O’Brien’s new book opens doors to new opportunities to ensure a more abundant life. Her intelligence model shows you how to align your emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and behavior to understand true happiness.

Keep a lookout for next month's lineup of Empowering Women who get the chance to share their stories via https://www.femaledisruptors.com/. I can’t forget about FD’s 

Breaking NEWS: Female Disruptors is hosting a Virtual Summit in October. If you are interested in speaking, please click here. If you would like to nominate a friend, click here! Bet the first to know about attending sign up here
Lisa Buyer
written by
Lisa Buyer
Looking for the latest Social PR trends or digital life hacks? Meet Lisa Buyer, a subject matter expert in public relations/social media and a recovering digital life junkie. She is the author of Digital Detox Secrets and Social PR Secrets with the foreword by Guy Kawasaki. Lisa brings 20+ years of PR experience always staying ahead of the curve as an early adapter integrating PR, SEO, and social media. Clients include Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, and niche brands. Industries include technology, marketing, real estate, health, wellness, and yoga.